Constant Variable


Constant Value



nil represents both boolean (and generalized boolean) false and the empty list.


 nil ⇒  NIL 

See Also



*, **, ***, *break-on-signals*, *compile-file-pathname*, *compile-file-truename*, *debugger-hook*, *load-pathname*, *load-truename*, *print-circle*, *print-level*, *print-length*, *print-lines*, *print-miser-width*, *print-right-margin*, *read-suppress*, abort, continue, muffle-warning, store-value, use-value, adjoin, adjust-array, and, apropos, apropos-list, array-displacement, array-has-fill-pointer-p, assert, assoc, assoc-if, assoc-if-not, Associating a Restart with a Condition, b'Specifiers for &aux variables', Backquote, bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit-eqv, bit-ior, bit-nand, bit-nor, bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor, Boa Lambda Lists, boolean, break, broadcast-stream, butlast, nbutlast, call-method, make-method, car, cdr, caar, cadr, cdar, cddr, caaar, caadr, cadar, caddr, cdaar, cdadr, cddar, cdddr, caaaar, caaadr, caadar, caaddr, cadaar, cadadr, caddar, cadddr, cdaaar, cdaadr, cdadar, cdaddr, cddaar, cddadr, cdddar, cddddr, case, ccase, ecase, char-name, class-name, code-char, compile-file, compile, compiler-macro-function, compute-restarts, cond, Condition System Concepts, Constant Variables, constantp, copy-pprint-dispatch, copy-readtable, count, count-if, count-if-not, Data and Control Flow Dictionary, Declaring the Validity of Initialization Arguments, decode-universal-time, define-condition, define-method-combination, defmacro, defmethod, defstruct, Deftype Lambda Lists, delete-file, delete-package, describe, Designators, Destructuring, digit-char-p, do, do*, do-symbols, do-external-symbols, do-all-symbols, documentation, (setf documentation), dolist, dotimes, dynamic-extent, ed, Environment Objects, Error Terminology, eval-when, Examples of using the Pretty Printer, Expanding Loop Forms, export, file-author, file-length, file-position, file-string-length, file-write-date, fill, find, find-if, find-if-not, find-class, find-method, find-package, find-restart, find-symbol, format, Formatted Output, formatter, function-lambda-expression, get-properties, get-setf-expansion, get, getf, gethash, handler-case, if, ignore-errors, Initialization Arguments, intern, intersection, nintersection, Introduction to Classes, Introduction to Packages, invoke-debugger, invoke-restart-interactively, Lambda-list-directed Destructuring by Lambda Lists, Left-Parenthesis, let, let*, lisp-implementation-type, lisp-implementation-version, list-length, load-time-value, load, Local Variable Initializations, machine-instance, machine-type, machine-version, Macro Characters, macro-function, macroexpand, macroexpand-1, make-array, make-list, make-load-form, make-pathname, make-random-state, make-string-input-stream, map-into, map, member, member-if, member-if-not, member, merge-pathnames, merge, Merging Pathnames, mismatch, multiple-value-bind, multiple-value-setq, name-char, namestring, file-namestring, directory-namestring, host-namestring, enough-namestring, nconc, nil (Meaning), NIL as a Component Value, nil, not, Notational Conventions, Notes about FORMAT, nth-value, null, null, open, or, or, package-name, parse-integer, parse-namestring, pathname-match-p, peek-char, position, position-if, position-if-not, pprint-dispatch, pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted, pprint-logical-block, pprint-pop, Pretty Print Dispatch Tables, Printing Symbols, probe-file, prog, prog*, provide, require, pushnew, rassoc, rassoc-if, rassoc-if-not, read, read-preserving-whitespace, read-byte, read-char-no-hang, read-char, read-from-string, read-line, read-sequence, reduce, reinitialize-instance, Reinitializing an Instance, Relation between component values NIL and :UNSPECIFIC, remove, remove-if, remove-if-not, delete, delete-if, delete-if-not, remove-duplicates, delete-duplicates, rename-file, replace, Restart Tests, restart-bind, restart-case, restart-name, Restrictions on Constructing Pathnames, Restrictions on Examining a Pathname Device Component, Restrictions on Examining a Pathname Directory Component, Restrictions on Examining a Pathname Name Component, Restrictions on Examining a Pathname Type Component, Restrictions on Examining a Pathname Version Component, Return Values, return-from, return, room, rotatef, search, set-difference, nset-difference, set-dispatch-macro-character, get-dispatch-macro-character, set-exclusive-or, nset-exclusive-or, set-macro-character, get-macro-character, set-pprint-dispatch, setf, psetf, setq, Sharpsign Sharpsign, shiftf, short-site-name, long-site-name, signal, Signaling, Simple Loop, simple-condition, software-type, software-version, sort, stable-sort, Special Symbols, Specifiers for keyword parameters, Specifiers for optional parameters, string-upcase, string-downcase, string-capitalize, nstring-upcase, nstring-downcase, nstring-capitalize, string, string=, string/=, string<, string>, string<=, string>=, string-equal, string-not-equal, string-lessp, string-greaterp, string-not-greaterp, string-not-lessp, sublis, nsublis, subseq, subsetp, subst, subst-if, subst-if-not, nsubst, nsubst-if, nsubst-if-not, substitute, substitute-if, substitute-if-not, nsubstitute, nsubstitute-if, nsubstitute-if-not, subtypep, Summary of Termination Test Clauses, Summary of Unconditional Execution Clauses, symbol-package, symbol, t, tagbody, Termination Test Clauses, The Null Lexical Environment, The Pathname Type Component, The Pathname Version Component, The RECURSIVE-P argument, the, Tilde A: Aesthetic, Tilde G: General Floating-Point, Tilde W: Write, translate-pathname, Type Relationships, typecase, ctypecase, etypecase, typep, Unconditional Execution Clauses, unintern, union, nunion, upgraded-array-element-type, upgraded-complex-part-type, user-homedir-pathname, VALUES Forms as Places, vector-push, vector-push-extend, warn, when, unless, wild-pathname-p, with-compilation-unit, with-hash-table-iterator, with-input-from-string, with-open-file, with-output-to-string, with-package-iterator, with-simple-restart, with-standard-io-syntax, write-sequence, write-string, write-line, y-or-n-p, yes-or-no-p