

wild-pathname-p pathname &optional field-key ⇒ generalized-boolean

Arguments and Values

pathnamea pathname designator.
Field-keyone of :host, :device :directory, :name, :type, :version, or nil.
generalized-booleana generalized boolean.


wild-pathname-p tests pathname for the presence of wildcard components.

If pathname is a pathname (as returned by pathname) it represents the name used to open the file. This may be, but is not required to be, the actual name of the file.

If field-key is not supplied or nil, wild-pathname-p returns true if pathname has any wildcard components, nil if pathname has none. If field-key is non-nil, wild-pathname-p returns true if the indicated component of pathname is a wildcard, nil if the component is not a wildcard.


 ;;;The following examples are not portable.  They are written to run
 ;;;with particular file systems and particular wildcard conventions.
 ;;;Other implementations will behave differently.  These examples are
 ;;;intended to be illustrative, not to be prescriptive.

 (wild-pathname-p (make-pathname :name :wild)) ⇒  true
 (wild-pathname-p (make-pathname :name :wild) :name) ⇒  true
 (wild-pathname-p (make-pathname :name :wild) :type) ⇒  false
 (wild-pathname-p (pathname "s:>foo>**>")) ⇒  true ;Lispm
 (wild-pathname-p (pathname :name "F*O")) ⇒  true ;Most places

Exceptional Situations

If pathname is not a pathname, a string, or a stream associated with a file an error of type type-error is signaled.


Not all implementations support wildcards in all fields. See ->WILD as a Component Value and Restrictions on Wildcard Pathnames.