Condition Type


Class Precedence List

type-error, error, serious-condition, condition, t


The type type-error represents a situation in which an object is not of the expected type. The "offending datum" and "expected type" are initialized by the initialization arguments named :datum and :expected-type to make-condition, and are accessed by the functions type-error-datum and type-error-expected-type.

See Also

type-error-datum; type-error-expected-type , type-error-expected-type


*, +, -, /, 1+, 1-, =, /=, <, >, <=, >=, adjoin, adjustable-array-p, alpha-char-p, alphanumericp, array-dimensions, array-displacement, array-element-type, array-has-fill-pointer-p, array-rank, array-total-size, ash, asin, acos, atan, assoc, assoc-if, assoc-if-not, boole, boundp, butlast, nbutlast, car, cdr, caar, cadr, cdar, cddr, caaar, caadr, cadar, caddr, cdaar, cdadr, cddar, cdddr, caaaar, caaadr, caadar, caaddr, cadaar, cadadr, caddar, cadddr, cdaaar, cdaadr, cdadar, cdaddr, cddaar, cddadr, cdddar, cddddr, case, ccase, ecase, char-code, char-name, char-upcase, char-downcase, character, check-type, clear-input, coerce, concatenate, Condition Types, copy-pprint-dispatch, copy-seq, copy-symbol, count, count-if, count-if-not, disassemble, ed, elt, endp, Error Terminology, error, evenp, oddp, every, some, notevery, notany, fboundp, fdefinition, file-length, fill-pointer, fill, find, find-if, find-if-not, finish-output, force-output, clear-output, fmakunbound, gcd, General Restrictions on Parameters that must be Lists, gensym, gentemp, get, graphic-char-p, hash-table-rehash-size, hash-table-rehash-threshold, hash-table-size, hash-table-test, input-stream-p, output-stream-p, integer-length, Integrating Types and Classes, interactive-stream-p, intersection, nintersection, last, lcm, ldiff, tailp, length, list-length, logand, logandc1, logandc2, logeqv, logior, lognand, lognor, lognot, logorc1, logorc2, logxor, logbitp, logcount, Logical Operations on Integers, logical-pathname-translations, logical-pathname, logtest, make-broadcast-stream, make-concatenated-stream, make-list, make-random-state, make-sequence, make-symbol, make-synonym-stream, make-two-way-stream, makunbound, map-into, map, mapc, mapcar, mapcan, mapl, maplist, mapcon, max, min, member, member-if, member-if-not, merge, minusp, plusp, name-char, nthcdr, open-stream-p, package-name, package-nicknames, package-shadowing-symbols, package-use-list, package-used-by-list, pairlis, pathname-host, pathname-device, pathname-directory, pathname-name, pathname-type, pathname-version, pathname-match-p, phase, position, position-if, position-if-not, pprint-dispatch, pprint-logical-block, pprint-newline, provide, require, random, rational, rationalize, read-byte, read-sequence, readtable-case, realpart, imagpart, reduce, remove, remove-if, remove-if-not, delete, delete-if, delete-if-not, remove-duplicates, delete-duplicates, remprop, reverse, nreverse, rplaca, rplacd, set-difference, nset-difference, set-exclusive-or, nset-exclusive-or, simple-type-error, sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, sleep, sort, stable-sort, special-operator-p, sqrt, isqrt, standard-char-p, store-value, stream-element-type, string, subseq, subsetp, substitute, substitute-if, substitute-if-not, nsubstitute, nsubstitute-if, nsubstitute-if-not, symbol-function, symbol-name, symbol-package, symbol-plist, symbol-value, Symbols in the COMMON-LISP Package, translate-logical-pathname, translate-pathname, Type Specifiers, type-error-datum, type-error-expected-type, typecase, ctypecase, etypecase, Types and Classes Dictionary, union, nunion, upper-case-p, lower-case-p, both-case-p, values-list, vector-pop, warn, wild-pathname-p, write-byte, write-sequence, zerop