

pairlis keys data &optional alist ⇒ new-alist

Arguments and Values

keysa proper list.
dataa proper list.
alistan association list. The default is the empty list.
new-alistan association list.


Returns an association list that associates elements of keys to corresponding elements of data. The consequences are undefined if keys and data are not of the same length.

If alist is supplied, pairlis returns a modified alist with the new pairs prepended to it. The new pairs may appear in the resulting association list in either forward or backward order. The result of

 (pairlis '(one two) '(1 2) '((three . 3) (four . 19)))

might be

 ((one . 1) (two . 2) (three . 3) (four . 19))


 ((two . 2) (one . 1) (three . 3) (four . 19))


 (setq keys '(1 2 3)
        data '("one" "two" "three")
        alist '((4 . "four"))) ⇒  ((4 . "four"))
 (pairlis keys data) ⇒  ((3 . "three") (2 . "two") (1 . "one"))
 (pairlis keys data alist)
⇒  ((3 . "three") (2 . "two") (1 . "one") (4 . "four"))
 alist ⇒  ((4 . "four"))

Exceptional Situations

Should be prepared to signal an error of type type-error if keys and data are not proper lists.

See Also
