Condition Type


[Reviewer Note by Barrett: I think CONDITION-RESTARTS is not fully integrated.]

Class Precedence List

condition, t


All types of conditions, whether error or non-error, must inherit from this type.

No additional subtype relationships among the specified subtypes of type condition are allowed, except when explicitly mentioned in the text; however implementations are permitted to introduce additional types and one of these types can be a subtype of any number of the subtypes of type condition.

Whether a user-defined condition type has slots that are accessible by with-slots is implementation-dependent. Furthermore, even in an implementation in which user-defined condition types would have slots, it is implementation-dependent whether any condition types defined in this document have such slots or, if they do, what their names might be; only the reader functions documented by this specification may be relied upon by portable code.

Conforming code must observe the following restrictions related to conditions: